Favorite Posts
Thank you so much for stopping by! Looking for a place to start reading? Here are some of my favorite posts.
I write a lot about reading...you can see all these posts here.
I also wrote a lot about my minimalism journey awhile back, you can see those posts here.
And you can also see the sites where I've been featured here.
30 Years Later {Acknowledging a painful anniversary in my family.}
How are you? {Coping with election results...in the Starbucks drive-thru line.}
One of the biggest things I did in this span was start the "Kids Are Precious" section. It's filled with times that kids are...precious. Check it out here.
Letting Her Go {The lessons I hope I taught my daughter as she starts kindergarten.}
To The Home We Built {A tribute to our home, 10 years in.}
On Being Older Than My Dad {On being older than my dad was when he died.}
For the Moms Who Have Lost {Remembering the moms that have lost or that we have lost on Mother's Day.}
The Place Between Baby and School-Age {Appreciating the season we are in without missing the past or wishing for the future.}
Claiming Another Year {How I'm learning to age happily: it involves hair dye.}
May I Have This Dance? {A tribute to my "still shakin' it" grandparents.}
Old and New Friends {A promise to my old friends as I branch out and make new ones.}
Anonymous Says {A reminder to be as nice online as you would be to your neighbor.}
Mind Reading {Learning to ask what I need from my husband instead of wanting him to just know.}
No More No {Stopping the immediate reaction to say "no" to my kids.}
Where's the Mommy? {Getting back in the photos.}
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed...and a lot of Blue {A post dedicated to my sister and her wife.}
Unplugging and Reconnecting {Date night, at home--no phones allowed!}
Seasons of Change {My love/hate/love relationship with spring and the sadness that used to come with the sprouting flowers.}
Sock it to Me {The time a hole in a sock made me cry.}
Cars and Tunnels {How tunnel vision almost caused me to miss some accomplishments of my son.}
Old Me, verses Older, New Me {The changes, big and small, that motherhood brings.}
James, A Giant Peach and Me {The books that have had the greatest impact on my life, thus far.}