My current favorite thing is...
Santa Visits!
What a fun few years of Santa visits we've had.
We've had smiles. And laughter. Well, to be honest, we've probably dealt with more tears than smiles. With some screams thrown in, for fun. And we've had to change to family pictures instead of kid only pictures due to those tears and screams.
But, most of all, there have been memories.
Year one (2010). Just our little E. At 7 months old, she only had 4 more months before her buddy entered the world. She was most fascinated with Santa's beard. He was, hands down, the best Santa we've ever seen.
Year two (2011). E had no interest in hanging with Santa and B just wanted to play with the bells. This picture took about 2 seconds to take and was the maximum amount of time I could handle her screaming. I think my face, while smiling, speaks for what is going on in my mind... "Just hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up."
Year three (2012). Our one and only kids only picture, but neither is very impressed. The attitude E is throwing...but, if you think that's bad, just wait until the 2014 picture. She was also still recovering from a nose injury; she tripped and fell flat on her face. We thought she broke her nose. Plus, this all happened two days after B ran into the corner of a wall and had a huge goose egg on his forehead. The doctor was not impressed with us. Needless to say, not the best holiday season for us. Perhaps their attitude had more to do with their convalescence than Santa. The only Santa picture that makes me a little sad.
Year four (2013). E was ready to sit on Santa's lap but not to smile for the camera. So very serious! And while this picture makes B look just a little tentative, I can assure you he let his opinion known. And he was not sitting on Santa's lap. Period. He's never gripped me so hard. He would not even let me switch sides that I was holding him on. That's how resistant he was. And I learned a valuable lesson from 2011. It's really not worth forcing it. If he wants me to hold him, is that so bad? It's funny how things I was so determined about early in parenthood (Santa pics where the kids MUST be sitting on his lap) change over time.
Year five (2014). E was all set to set on Santa's lap. She had been talking about it for
weeks months. And oh my goodness does her face say it all. She's running this joint and don't you forget it. We thought we had B set to stand next to E and Santa (not sit on his lap, still a non-negotiable), but no dice. He once again had a firm grip on me and would not let me go. Another family picture was ordered.
I love our tradition of seeing Santa every year. Hopefully next year we'll have two happy, excited kids. But if we don't, that's ok, too. Santa pictures aren't for everyone. And what's so bad with a family picture? I did make a vow to get in the picture more so, really, this is a perfect opportunity. Did you grow up seeing Santa? Is it a tradition you are continuing with your kids (or will continue if you have kids)? Ever deal with a screamer? Share your story in the comments!
{P.S. If you like recaps of holidays past and present, here is my Halloween post. Costumes galore and a couple kid pics of yours truly!}
xo Sara
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