My current favorite thing is...
Spending New Year's Eve with my husband!
I'm really not a huge NYE party person. If I had it my way we would celebrate as a family, in our house, very low-key. But, you see, I'm married to a rock star (at least that's what he tells me) and if I want to spend NYE with my spouse I need to go where he is since he's working.
NYE is the biggest party night of the year so of course a working band in the Twin Cities would be booked. Marc's band (American Bootleg -- FB/Twitter/Instagram) has been lucky enough to have a recurring gig at Lord Fletcher's every year. I've spent more NYEs at Lord Fletcher's than I can remember (due to there being so many not because of other reasons...).
I don't always love it but some years I really embrace it. The year before we got pregnant with Elena was a big year. The bandmates had all their friends there (some coming from out of town) and we had a pre-party and a post-party. It's amazing the energy you have pre-kids. And all of us were pre-kids in those days. Ahhhhh, youth.
Last year the wives of the bandmates decided to get all fancied up. It was fun dressing up (especially with my endless supply of accessories) and going out. Plus, I was able to once again wear my most favorite little black lace dress I got in Vegas. I don't have very many reasons to wear a LBD (shocking as a stay-at-home-mom, I know) and this one is a really cute party dress. So my dressed up self had a good time ringing in the new year.
Then there are the years that I'm really not all that excited to be hanging in a bar. Specifically NYE 2009. Pregnant and tired. Not really a "party on" year. Luckily in 2010, when I was once again pregnant AND had a 7 month at home, the band did not have a gig. A rarity for that crazy night, but couldn't have come at a more perfect time.
The older the kids get the more I want to celebrate with the old "turn back the clocks a few hours" trick, have a little party and count down with them. Or host something--friends can come over and we can have a low-key night at our house with the kids and their friends celebrating in the basement. Oh the plans I'd make...
But, for now, I'll just settle for being with my husband when the clock strikes midnight no matter where he is. Whether it's at home or at a bar, I want to ring in the new year by the side of the man I'll travel that year with.
I'm content with this being my view on New Year's Eves going forward, as long as I get my kiss at midnight. Which I always do--get out of my way dancers. Happy 2015!
{P.S. In case you want more NYE fun, here's my post from last year--where you can see my most favorite little black dress!}
xo Sara
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