...Super Elena!
My daughter's imagination is something I love and try to nurture each day. And now I see her encouraging her younger brother and involving him, which makes me even happier.
Something I always hear talked about is "screen time" and how much is too much for children. And while I think monitoring the amount of time allowed for screen time is important, I think the bigger element is quality of that time as opposed to the measure of time spent watching. I like putting on shows that engage my children and lead them down a path of imagination. A little guidance is all they need and they are off and running with scenarios of their own.
But imagination isn't just fueled by tv shows and there are good reasons for screen time limitations. Imagination is also fueled by music, books, talking, engaging with them.
But the number one thing that encourages imagination? Playing. Letting kids play. Not scheduling every moment of their day. Not having organized activities going non-stop. Just letting kids play. And playing with them. Your imagination needs a workout now and again, too.
Ultimately I want my children to use reason and have the knowledge to solve problems. But I also want them to imagine endless possibilities and know no boundaries. Plus, with an active imagination you're never bored.
xo Sara
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