Mommy Time-Out

For Mother's Day this year I've decided all I want is a time-out.

A time-out is:

  • Being sent to my room.
  • Reading something in more than sentence intervals before someone needs something.
  • Reading something that doesn't involve talking animals, anything Disney, or Dora.
  • Eating. All of my food. Without sharing.
  • Not having to break up any fights or talk about sharing. 
  • Watch what I want to watch on TV.
  • Uninterrupted sleep.

Oh, and one other thing--something the kids make me that I don't help with.

So really it's three things: a little time to read, eat and sleep. Best of all? It's all free! Second best of all? I'll return the "gift" on Father's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there--and moms-to-be and anyone who's been "like a mom" to someone.

Don't forget to "Thank a Mom" on Sunday. 

This has been a public service announcement.

xo Sara

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Social Faux Pas

Sometimes I wonder if it's necessary to have an opinion on everything. And to make sure that opinion is heard by anyone within earshot (and with social media, that's far).

I also wonder if everyone's first reaction to things is to be mean. 

I'm opinionated. And I've had times when I rant a little (a lot?). Especially things involving women and children. 

But I'm not talking about the big things. I'm talking about the little things. The things that are merely annoyances and really don't warrant outright anger and hostility.

I recently posted something on Facebook. Something little, something I was proud of. I then watched as a friend of a friend posted about the stupidity of that accomplishment on our mutual friend's page. It was done in an indirect way, my name was never mentioned, but the specifics of the rant could not be denied. I'm sure this person didn't think I...someone who he/she had never met and is not friends with...would see it, but lovely Facebook popped that little conversation right in my News Feed (thanks FB, I can't find the things I'm looking for but so grateful I got to see that conversation).

I wasn't upset about what I saw (well, I wasn't happy either) but it made me think. 

Why is it our first reaction to be mean? To judge?
Why are minor annoyances broadcasted as though they are major problems with humanity?

I've said this before and I'll say it again, I'm not perfect. But I try to at least be nice.

Perhaps I'll leave with one piece of advice. If you are going to mean about someone maybe do it in a more private way than social media. 

Or maybe just don't .

Thanks for letting me rant.

xo Sara

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